Farmers to Families food distribution event Monday

A Farmers to Families free food box distribution will be held Monday, July 20, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Bristol Public Works Yard on 95 Vincent P. Kelly Rd.

Residents from Bristol, Burlington, Plainville and Plymouth are eligible. Participants are to respect a one car per household limit.

As has been the procedure, cars will pull up to one of the distribution stations, and a volunteer will place the box of farm fresh produce either on the back seat or in the trunk of each vehicle.

Part of a national effort, Farmers to Families is overseen by the United States Dept. of Agriculture that involves the purchase of approximately $3 billion worth of meat, dairy, and fresh produce from American producers.

According to the USDA, over 600,000 Connecticut residents have experienced, or continue to experience unemployment during the pandemic, and are struggling to put food on the table.