The Connecticut Department of Transportation is performing a nighttime resurfacing project for a 2.49 mile segment of Route 6 in Bristol from Sherman Street to Collins Road.
The milling operations are scheduled to begin Sunday, August 15 and continue through August 23, with paving operations then expected to begin August 24 and be completed by September 3. Motorists should be aware that modifications or extensions to this schedule may become necessary due to weather delays or other unforeseen conditions. Motorists can expect delays and one lane alternating traffic and are advised to maintain a safe speed while driving in the vicinity.
“Temporary traffic impacts can be expected during this project,” said Councilman Peter Kelley who serves on the Public Works Board. “The good news is that the milling and paving operations have been scheduled as an overnight project, running from 7:00 pm to 5:00 am each day
The project will begin at the west end of Sherman Street and head east to Collins Road.
There may be minor traffic delays during construction, but the roads will remain open for emergency vehicles and local traffic.
Traffic control personnel and signs will be used to guide motorists through the work zone during construction.
Questions or concerns about these projects should be directed to the Public Works Engineering Division at 860-584-6125 or the State of Connecticut DOT, Office of Communications: 860-594-3062 or Website: www.ctgov/dot