Among the items on the agendas for this week Joint Board and City Council meetings is a routine contract update for work on city hall, the allocation of funds to upgrade the public safety communications system, and the hiring of a temporary worker in the mayor’s office.
While it is not on the agenda, the expectation is that the mayor will respond to the hacking of a city council workshop, partially held on Zoom, this past Saturday.
The Joint Board, comprised of the Finance Board and City Council, meets at 6:45 p.m. in the council chambers. The meeting is also available virtually and on Nutmeg TV.
One of items that the Joint Board will vote on is $1.4 million in funding to upgrade the Public Safety Communications System. In other business, the board will vote to transfer $890,000 within the Capital Projects Fund for the Page Park Revitalization Project and to make an additional appropriation of $84,235 within the Special Grants and Donations Fund funded by the 2022 Comprehensive DUI Enforcement grant.
The City Council meeting, also in the council chambers and available online and on Nutmeg TV, begins immediately after the Joint Board.
The council will take up a routine contract amendment with D’Amato & Downes, the firm handling city hall renovations, amounting to $1.5 million. In other business, the council will vote on funding for roof repairs at Edgewood School and fuel storage tank replacement at Chippens Hill Middle School.
Among the announcement of new hires is a temporary worker at $20 per hour in the mayor’s office. David Rackliffe began Dec. 13. TBE has requested details from the mayor about Rackliffe’s duties and responsibilities but has not received a reply.
In addition to requesting details about the temporary position, TBE reached out to the mayor for a response to the hacking of the virtual segment of a city workshop that was held Saturday. The incident involved racial and religious slurs, both verbal and written.
For the agenda and information packet, including a link to join the meetings, follow this link: Joint Board and City Council. At the link, locate the meeting you are looking for, to its right locate the “Download” tab, and click on the arrow. A menu will appear, click on “packet” and the agenda and accompanying documentation will become available.