DiNardo to Pavalock-D’Amato: live where you claim to, or resign.
By Jack Krampitz
State Democrats are calling on Cara Pavalock-D’Amato to resign her seat in the state legislature because they claim she is living out of her district.
“Pavalock-D’Amato owes it to the constituents of the 77th District to abide by the state law and live in the apartment she claims as residence or resign,” CT Democratic Party Chair Nancy DiNardo said in a press release from the State Democratic Party.
“Representative Pavalock-D’Amato needs to actually live in that apartment, or resign. The law is clear and makes no exceptions.”
In the release, DiNardo says Pavalock-D’Amato has been under scrutiny for months since selling her home in November.
“Despite documented evidence that she is living with her family outside the district, and not in the tiny apartment alone, she continues to mislead voters,” DiNardo said.
A complaint was filed with the State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC), saying Pavalock-D’Amato and her husband sold their home on Rossi Drive in Bristol, and moved to another property purchased by her father-in-law on Perkins Street, also in Bristol but located in the 78th District.
While the new residence is located within district borders established in the recent statewide redistricting plan, those borders do not apply to current office holders. The new borders, part of the state’s once-a-decade redistricting, take effect with the 2022 elections.
The Democrats allege that her claims of residence in a 250-square-foot studio apartment on corner of Farmington and Jerome avenues are bogus. They say her car is never seen in the building’s parking lot and papers from the landlord jammed into in the apartment’s only entrance have been unmoved for weeks. At the same time, her vehicle is regularly seen in the Perkins Street driveway.
State law requires members of the state House of Representatives and Senate to reside within the district they represent.
“It’s nice that Representative Pavalock-D’Amato and her husband found a new home, but it isn’t in the district she was elected to serve. Even if she plans to run for re-election in the new 77th District this November, she will have been breaking the law and living out of her district for a full year – nearly half of her term,” DiNardo said.
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