Yard work and a stop at the bakery; repairs underway

By David Fortier 

Come Sunday morning, Mary and I will have admired—well, not admired, but commented on our lawn, spotted as it is with wild onion plants—on our way to Mass. Afterwards, we will have stopped in at the Bakery on Maple where we picked up a loaf of rye (I added a chocolate bread pudding for a treat later). 

I quizzed Dave about a new type of bread being displayed, a French Fougasse, a pinwheel of a bread with spokes, if you will. He said it was a last-minute inspiration. Weighing in about two pounds with a crispy crust from all the surfaces exposed while it was in the oven, it made an impression. I was tempted but decided one loaf of bread was enough. 

Overall, the week was quiet one here, except for some work being done on the house. Having raised a bunch of kids over many years, and putting off most work, except for necessary repairs, until they were on their own, we woke up one morning and thought it would be nice to dress things up. And so it began, the work, which meant boxing up all my books—around 50 boxes of them—and shuffling things around a bit.

And TBE continues our fundraising, which is progressing slowly but steadily. If you have been reading our posts, you know that we are taking the next step in our business plan—to provide Bristol with a financially viable local news source that is reliable and informative, as well as entertaining and thoughtful, and most important of all, thorough in its coverage. We hope you take a moment to become a member. Just head over to the home page and click on the “Become a member” button. 

For this week’s listening/reading, let’s try this: “Grain Wars,” an episode of Open Source with Christopher Lydon. Open Source totes itself, and rightly so, as the world’s longest-running podcast. Click here. If you’d like something shorter, there is always poetry. Try Poetry Unbound and Rita Dove’s poem, “Eurydice, Turning.” Click here

Have a good week. 

“Come Sunday morning” is intended to be a weekly review, a recounting of the past week and an anticipation of week to come. Among its features will be reviews of old and new books, sharing of favorite podcasts, some family news, Bristol events and happenings and issues surrounding education, work and community journalism. He can be reached at dfortier@bristoledition.org.  

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