The goal today is for five new supporters to come forward to help raise funds for our expanded reporting initiative. Of course, we’d love for more people to support us with their donations, especially on a monthly basis. Click here if you are so inclined, or if you have been meaning to. At the top of the page, you will find the “Become a Member” button.
There are three levels of support: Supporter, Patron and Benefactor. A Reader can continue reading for free after signing up. (Note: Depending on our financial situation, we may have to start limiting the amount of free access.)
Becoming a financial supporter does have benefits aside from ensuring that Bristol, once again, has a working community newspaper worth your investment. As we proceed, there will be regular contact with supporters via email newsletters, there will be gifts which we will confirm shortly and there will be opportunities to meet with staff in small groups or large venues. Backers will also be able to choose the categories for which they would like to receive regular emails: for instance, if you prefer city news, then you will get a notice when a city story is posted. In other words, you will not receive a communication every time TBE posts.
Regarding the reporting initiative, you support us and we cover the city more thoroughly. At the moment, we have what might be referred to as flyover reporting–when something sensational happens, reporters swoop in for the story and as soon as it’s over, they leave. Often, the reporting is cursory, skimming over the surface, giving the impression of a report. That is not really covering the city. Covering the city is knowing the city. And coverage needs to be often and regular. With your financial backing, we can do this, and you can take credit for making it happen.
Our asks are not extravagant. At the moment, we have a bunch of people who have taken that step and become financial supporters. Join them and help ensure that Bristol gets the coverage it needs. To do that, click here and click on the “Become a Member” button at the top of the page.
Five new supporters today, and it starts with one and then another and then another. How about you!