By Jack Krampitz
Budget totals $215,183,250
Mill rate will remain the same at 38.35 Mills
Motor vehicle mill rate will be 32.46 Mills
The joint meeting of the Bristol City Council and the Bristol Board of Finance set the city budget for the upcoming fiscal year of 2022-2023 at $215,183,250.00 on Monday night. This represents a 2.67% increase over the budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
Although the budget does show the 2.7% increase, that is offset by an increase in federal and state grants and the growth of Bristol’s grand list.
The Mill Rate will therefore remain the same as last year at 38.35 Mills, and the motor vehicle mill rate will be set at 32.46 Mills.
A Mill rate of 38.35 means that a Bristol homeowner will pay $38.35 in taxes for every $1,000 of their home’s assessed value. So a house assessed at $100,000.00 would bring a tax of $3,835.00. A house assessed at $150,00.00 would be taxed $5,752.50, and a house assessed at $200,000.00 would be taxed at $7,670.00.
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