Literature from a white supremacist group from the Boston area has surfaced in the Northeast school neighborhood, a TBE reader informed us earlier today.
Flyers from the group, The New England Nationalist Social Club, were found on driveways. The flyers state, in part, “We are a social club of nationalists from New England focused on building a network of likeminded men & women dedicated to defending their lands and their people.”
The group identifies themselves, in the flyers, as “a pro-white, street-oriented fraternity dedicated to raising authentic resistance to the enemies of our people in the New England area. This takes the form of networking, training, activism, outreach, and above all action.”
In April, the group held a flash demonstration in Hartford and distributed their literature in East Hartford and Southington, according to a Hartford Courant article on April 18. The Courant identified the group as originating from Boston, where it was in evidence at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade there.
TBE has contacted Police Chief Brian Gould and Mayor Jeff Caggiano for comments.
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