Community pride might begin with playing fields but doesn’t end there

To the editor:

While very good points were made in his article about field conditions in Bristol, there is more to the story than just the fields.  

As you drive into Bristol on Route 6, NO scenic drive for sure, you soon see an abandoned property across from Taco Bell. This property is a total eyesore! The sidewalk that fronts the property has grass that is at least 3-ft. tall which obstructs views of pedestrians and cars who may be turning into the Big Lots plaza.

If the owner(s) of this property refuse to mow the grass (at a minimum) the city should do it and back charge them?

I have reached out to my 1st District council representatives asking them to act but feel this blighted property needs to be publicized. At one time the city was much more proactive with such conditions.

Pride in our city is shown in many ways, the conditions of our parks, ball fields and blighted properties all contribute to enhancing our standing as a community.

Rich Colbert
116 Deer Park Rd,
Bristol, CT 06010

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