Clean water is a luxury

To the editor:

Drought, what drought?

So here we are having just begun the month of October and after one of the hottest and driest summers on record the city has had an awakening. Yes, they are now implementing water restrictions as the snow is about to fly. Why wasn’t this done back in July when so much water is wasted watering lawns, etc.?

As a former council member who served as liaison to the Water Board I think the answer is that they are NOT in the business of conservation. They are primarily interested in usage which increases rates paid by consumers keeping the department a flush with funds (pun intended).

Water should not be taken for granted! Think of the conditions in Florida where storms have decimated water delivery infrastructure. Think of similar situations in Mississippi and Michigan. Clean, flowing water is a luxury, and we have been fortunate here so far.

Richard Colbert

Bristol, Conn.

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