Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Whoops, wrong show.
54, and get this, mostly sunny. Seriously. We are not kidding.
Put a stamp on it
Dear Spring:
Hurry up.
The staff of the GMB
According to a little birdie
Hooo boy, trouble is brewing.
What’s the trouble? No idea.
Who is in trouble? No idea.
Where is the trouble? No idea.
There’s just trouble. Okaaay.
50 years ago today
With 11 seconds remaining in their Class B quarterfinals game, St. Paul’s Mark Noon hit a 10-foot bank shot to lift the Falcons over Notre Dame 72-71.
Seven days later, they went on to capture the state title. As for Notre Dame, Ara Parseghian retired and was then in “Rudy.” Oh wait, sorry, wrong Notre Dame and wrong sport. The Falcons beat Notre Dame of Bridgeport. Never mind. We got our signals crossed. Zzzzzhhh.
Soupy Sales time
Have a weekend and engage, Bristol.