Go Fest Bristol 2024 event this weekend at Rockwell promises lots of fun activities

By Drew a.k.a ZypherFusion

Hello Trainers!

Global Fest for Bristol 2024 will be at Rockwell Park on Saturday, July 13, from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. I will be hosting, and I am looking forward to a great turnout.

Here is a link to your official invite, so we can catch up and catch all the Pokemon in this event. Click here.

Go Fest at Bristol at Rockwell Park will feature, along with gameplay, food trucks, group photo contest and more. You can also get to meet our community ambassador candidate!

Of course, the biggest Pokemon events this month are Go Fest New York and Global Go Fest.

That weekend a bunch of Bristol people turned out for the New York event. Below are some photos of the event.

Pokemon Go Fest NYC 2024 attracted a bunch of people from Bristol. Thanks to Chelsea, Maxbell and Liz Rodriquez for the photos.

If you are planning to attend this weekend’s events, here some key tips to have the best experience available!

Before you get to the event, make sure you Update your Pokémon GO app and download all assets while you have a Wi-Fi connection to save your data. This will help with any issues that may pop up during your events. Also, add an additional login method to your Pokémon GO account. Adding another login method will help ensure you can keep playing during the event even if there’s an issue with your regular login method. Finally, grab your tickets early and register for the event before you go.

If you are going to travel to Randall’s Island, here are some things you need to know:

Ferries will depart from and return to the East 35th Street Ferry Landing located at the intersection of East 35th Street and FDR Drive. They will travel to and from Randall’s Island all weekend long, running from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Tickets are first-come, first-served, and must be purchased prior to boarding. here is no parking for personal vehicles on Randall’s Island and rideshare services will NOT be able to drop-off on Randall’s Island (if you have a satellite truck/media van, please let us know and we can make special arrangements).

Now for the Pokémon! Here are the encounters you will see throughout the event:

For the Brilliant Skies Habitat:

The Ghostly Woods Habitat:

The Poolside Cabana Habitat:

The Rugged Quarry Habitat:

The five star raids:

There is still time to get your tickets for this event! I’ll be there checking out all the features and will share them in a jammed packed article next week!

For more updates, be sure to download Campfire for Pokémon Go to have all of the updates for this event!

Until next time Trainers!

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