Comments requesting a public hearing before the state approves expansion of local incinerator to burn medical waste due by Aug. 5

Reworld Inc. facility, formerly Covanta. | Laura Bailey

Participants in an information session earlier on Monday about draft permits expanding Reworld Bristol, Inc., formerly Covanta, operations were urged to send comments requesting a public hearing prior to final approval to the state agency before Monday, Aug. 5.

The session, hosted by Bristol Residents for Clean Air on Monday on July 29, was held at the Bristol Public Library, and featured a Zoom presentation by Mike Ewall, the founder and director of the Energy Justice Network, who has been working with the citizens group for several years, while the permits were under review.

A public notice printed in a local newspaper on July 5, alerted the members BRCA that the permits are about to be granted, and public comments were being sought before a final decision, as to whether public hearings should be held. The state allows 30 days for comments.

The 1-hour-and-15-minute presentation attracted 45 people, 25 in-person with the remainder online. Using PowerPoint, Ewall shared information about trash-to-energy plants in general as well as specifics about the local Reworld plant and statutes which guide regulation of the plants.

Reworld has five permits pending with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

The first of these permits involves solid waste and modifies facility’s original operations and to then construct and operate a biomedical waste treatment facility.

The remaining permits specify air treatment concerns for the operation of the equipment that will be installed.

Comments about whether a public hearing should be held prior to final approval may be sent via email to Brent Madho at or Dave Lariviere at The BRCA recommends cc’ing elected officials. In addition, BRCA provides a comment form. Click here.

For a recording of the Ewall presentation, click here.

For the BRCA website, click here.

For link to the state website with the specifics about the Reworld Bristol permits, click here.

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