Good morning, Bristol!

Federal Hill in happier times. | Staff

P.S. For some folks, you can never be too obvious and for others, too serious.


If you’re keeping score at home, mainly cloudy and kind of murky. Opaque, if you will. Dull.

According to a little birdie

Someone is writing a dull love story about a City Hall employee who, went not protecting us from earthquakes, is falling in love with the idea of strip-mining the Brazilian Rain Forest to make mid-level housing. The story is considered dull due to all the compound sentences. Too bad for Babycakes.

According to sources near the author, “The untitled work has no title.” Imagine that. Although movie reviewer Joe Bob Briggs swears it’s called “Give Me the View from 30,000 ft.”

You don’t say

Mr. Potato Head once got four votes for mayor of Boise, Idaho.

The Cynic’s Diner

Win some, lose some, Bristol.

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