One ‘hall of famer’ and some fun with names

By Bob Montgomery

Betty Brzezicki (98)

Betty, who died recently, is the widow of Stanley “Butch” Brzezicki. She was the ultimate wife and host when I visited them in the old days. A very tight couple. She’s a hall of famer like her late husband, My condolences to family members, all good people.

Name Game

Dick Fitz, who I wrote about last week has the full name of Robert “Dick” Fitz. Don’t know why he’s called Dick.

Richard “Rich” Rich is a smart fellow whom others and I worked with at the Bristol Historical Society. His older brother, George, was in my high school class.

Butch Brzezicki spelled his last name as such. His brother, Benny, spelled it Brezicki.

There’s former Bristol mayor Gerard Couture who is nicknamed “Couch.” His nickname is spelled like the large furniture piece found in living rooms and dens which you sit down on. His brother, Henri, has the same nickname, but it is spelled differently in order to correctly pronounce the name as “Cootch,” “Kootch,” or “Coutch,” for example.

Shout outs

To Jeff Hedquist and members of the Bristol Historical Society who sent me a nice card, and to Dennis Floyd, retired Bristol firefighter, who stopped by the house on Thursday. Ironically, I dreamt the night before that I joined the Bristol Fire Department.

Shout outs to Jim Leger, Gloria Tolve, Elaine Herschman, Bob Barnett, Chris Caouette, Tom Bourke, and Joe DeFillippi, who did me a great favor last year. There’s Beth Provost, Brian and Rich Marino, and their sister here in Bristol, Barbara Schoneck.

Jeff Papazian

I saw Jeff Papazian on the tube after Centra’s football team win last week, bringing them to 5-0 on the 2024 campaign. Hello to mom, Donna!

One more time for Bob “Vin” Punzo, the late Bristol Eastern boys varsity basketball coach, once said that Bob Lindsay (1965)had the purest basketball shot he had seen to date.

Contact Bob Montgomery at or, call (860) 583-5132.

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