It is said that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. It’s the same with cable bills, it’s just that subscriptions are really expensive.
48 and scattered showers. Okay, now we are getting carried away with this rain thing.
Who is in charge here?
What is the deal with Florida? This state gets hit with hurricanes, it has the worst weather, and it’s cloudy all the time, at least in the afternoons. Whoever named it the Sunshine State is probably the same guy that called that vast bit of arctic tundra in the north Greenland.
The NFL?
Last weekend, the Jets almost won a football game. For a second, the GMB staff thought Elvis was going to show up too. Speaking of the Jets, watching the Jets play football is like having cookies with curdled milk. Sooner or later, you’re gonna lose your cookies.
Somethings got to give
Loosen up, Bristol.
Before you go!
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