Good morning, Bristol! – Nov. 28, 2024

Flowers in Bristol | Staff



Cold, rainy, and crummy. Happy Thanksgiving!

One more thing on the Jets

The Jets have a long and proud tradition of losing. They only seem to win Super Bowls between Hale Bopp sightings. You can’t feel sorry for the fans because they usually don’t seem to be aware a football game is being played. No way to be sober and be a Jets fan.

Screech Owl Conspiracy

The staff of the GMB believes that screech owls have their own language. Before you Hardy Har Har us away know this people: we have been decoding it for some time, and it appears they have a deep concern for the environment and much wisdom to offer. Recently, we were able to decode a sentence fragment.

The owl said, “Logging bad. Bad, bad. Woods, good. Good, good. Cowboys by six over the Giants.”

We’re not sure what that meant.

A whole lot of trouble

Take your whiskey home, Bristol.

Before you go!

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