Dec. 29, 1949, to Jan 4, 1950
Christmas programs were held by the various grades at the Mary A. Callen School. Miss Ellen Hubbell was presented a corsage by the kindergarten class. The program in that class featured a play, “A Visit to Santa Land.” Grades 1 & 2 had programs that featured recitations and “Letters to Santa” read by the students.
Miss Alice M. Curtis retires from the Bristol Press Publishing Company. Miss Curtis joined the Press in 1902 as a typesetting under the management of then-editor, Arthur S. Barnes. With the introduction of the linotype machine, she became the paper’s first proof reader. She has been head of the proof reading department for 39 years and is retiring after 47 years of service.
Stephen Terry Lodge 59 of the I. O. O. F. will held elections for officers at 8 o’clock on Dec. 29, 1949.
The Manross Homestead is offered to the Board of the Directors of the Bristol Public Library as the permanent home for its Forestville Branch by Arthur N. Manross, according the Miss Celia Critchley, librarian.
Judge Newell Jennings, chair of the Board of Library Directors said this morning that he will go before the city council to recommend acceptance of Mr. Manross’s offer.
The large two-story building was erected in 1899 by Mr. Manross’s father, Frederick N. Manross. Since 1947, the Forestville Branch has been operating in one room at the Sarah E. Reynolds school.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Clark of Wolcott Street observed their 35th anniversary, Dec. 31st and a surprise party given at the home of their daughter, Mrs. William Scott of Fern Hill Road.
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