Articles by Staff

Good morning, Bristol!

Sound the alarm, it’s Tuesday. There is no turning back. Weather Check your Bingo cards for partly cloudy and 38. In the ‘hoosgow’ Near Mt….

Good morning, Bristol!

Monday, ugh! Let’s just get this over with. Everyone, lineup by your height and width. Weather If you like lingering AM showers with partly sunny…

Good morning, Bristol!

Welcome to Friday. Have a look around and enjoy your stay. Weather Mostly sunny, 45. Yowza! What’s hot and what’s not Hot: BCHS football with…

Good morning, Bristol!

Holy camoly, it’s Thanksgiving. It was Labor Day, like last week. Weather Temps start in the 40s and end up around 50. Plenty of sun…

Good morning, Bristol!

Let’s hope Tuesday has something to offer. Monday, in a word, was really freaking boring as all get out. Weather Expect, but don’t count on,…

Good morning, Bristol!

It’s Monday. Rollcall! Weather For the most part, sunny, 42. Manic Monday Monday is considered the busiest day of the week. It is the starting…

Good morning, Bristol!

Holy weekend, Batman, it’s Friday! Weather Mostly cloudy, 62. He said it “President Washington, President Lincoln, President Wilson, and President Roosevelt have authorized electronic surveillance…

Good morning, Bristol!

Hello, Bristol. Eyes wide shut, it’s Thursday. Weather Plenty of sunshine. High near 60. We kid you not. What’s hot and what’s not Hot: Once…