Good morning, Bristol!
Hello class. Without talking, please open your textbooks to page 114. Weather Isolated showers and 65 degrees. Zoo-Wee Mama! Lucky us. Useless information for your…
Read MoreHello class. Without talking, please open your textbooks to page 114. Weather Isolated showers and 65 degrees. Zoo-Wee Mama! Lucky us. Useless information for your…
Read MoreMonday, Monday (bah-da bah-da-da-da). Say no more. Weather Partly cloudy and 76 it’s about time degrees. What to look for this week Wednesday, 7 p.m….
Friday is here. Weather A chilly start, but we settle into sunny and 63. Why? Jennifer Aniston is to produce an updated version of the…
This is it? Oh, boy. Weather 59, sunny. Big whoop. Who knew? April 25 is National Hug a Plumber Day. We don’t know what that…
One, two, one, two, three Ba-boom! Weather Mostly sunny and 65 we are serious degrees. Yes, the authors of the GMB passed a random drug…
“Welcome back my friends to the show that never endsWe’re so glad you could attend. Come inside, come inside.” Thanks Greg. Weather Cold start but…
Right this way. Friday will see you now. Weather Mostly cloudy, 61 and boring. As a consolation prize, breaks of sun in the afternoon. This…
Ahhh, Thursday. Almost home. Weather If you like chilly, wet and gray, break out the party supplies because today is your day. Speaking of April…
Tuesday is here. Drop anchor! Weather Sunny, breezy, and 72 hey now degrees! Pothole Patrol Al Shepard’s golf shot from Apollo XIV eventually landed here,…
Welcome to Monday. Remember to make room for fun. Weather 63, sunny and wait for it….PM showers. Yowzers! What to look for this week Forget…
It’s Friday, just the facts, ma’am. Weather Damp, showers likely, and 62 why bother degrees. About the future BPD super complex About today It is…
It’s Thursday, so we are playing it straight. Weather 64 and murky, with showers possible. Local news from overseas: The Argus (Brighton & Hove and…
It’s Tuesday. More Dino Nugs? Weather 73ish with a side order of partly cloudy. News in brief UConn wins Solar eclipse fizzles out This morning’s…
We all made it, so congratulations! Now, the work begins. Weather Partly cloudy and 54 are you kidding me? degrees. What to watch this week…
It’s Friday, so anchors away! Weather Mostly cloudy, windy. A high of 50 with a total lack of cheerfulness. What’s the beef Politicians who say…
Welcome to Thursday. Consumer Reports rates it as one of the best seven days of the week. Weather Gloom followed by glum. Expect an annoying patter…
Let’s not get carried away. It’s Tuesday. Weather Gray with rain eventually setting up shop. Temps high 40s to low 50s. 1983 “Thriller” became the…
For those keeping score, it’s Monday and we are out of bean dip. Weather Shocker, cloudy and 56. Pothole Patrol Lovers of all things potholes…
Thank you for waiting. Friday will see you now. Weather Cloudy, followed by sunshine. Breezy, high in the 40s. Sports UConn men advance. Sox win…
And here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson…. Weather Simply put, dreary and rainy. If today’s your birthday You have good reason to be worried. Consider all…