About us

Saturday supporter challenge

The goal today is for five new supporters to come forward to help raise funds for our expanded reporting initiative. Of course, we’d love for more people to support us…

Sunday membership challenge

By David Fortier TBE is pushing ahead as a viable business, with the goal of providing the community with a high-quality news operation that covers Bristol exclusively. Our voluntary effort…

A Saturday afternoon challenge

David Fortier TBE is looking for five (5) people who appreciate good community journalism, one that focuses on our city, the people around us, and even us — look at…

TBE adds second method to subscribe

Several readers contacted us last week with the concern about the methods of payment offered to subscribers of TBE. Specifically, they wanted to use a credit card to make their…

Responsibly ‘sourced’ news

It is not unusual to come across the phrase, “responsibly sourced food.” It makes sense that something that sustains us needs to be sustained itself. That wild caught Atlantic salmon…