
Good morning, Bristol!

Holy Salvador Dali, it is Friday, people. Weather Hot. Seeing as the Crocodile Club is no more The mayor’s Facebook page is now written in…

Good morning, Bristol!

Welcome to Thursday. All ashore that’s going ashore. Woo wooooo-woo! As a reminder, tonight’s band at the Below Sea Level Café: Free Drinks. Weather Low…

Good morning, Bristol!

For the historians out there, welcome to Good morning, New Cambridge! Weather Mostly sunny. PM thunderstorms are possible. Pothole Patrol Tuesday edition Sunday morning around…

Marie Mae Martel, 85

Marie Mae Martel, 85, of Bristol, widow of Roland A. Martel, died on Thursday, July 20, in her home surrounded by family. Marie was born…

Good morning, Bristol!

What up, Bristol? Weather Wet early and then we get a break and then a storm threat in the late afternoon. Ooh la la Stafford…

Good morning, Bristol!

Hello, Bristol. Weather Sunny, 80s. Get out and do something; life is short. Sunset and other stuff Sunset, 8;21 p.m. High tide in New Haven,…