Ethics policy

The Bristol Edition subscribes to the following ethical policy, based on the five core principles of ethical journalism from the Ethical Journalism Network:

  1. Truth & Accuracy–Truth is complex. With that in mind, TBE strives to get the facts right. We aim to obtain the facts and to check them. When we have issues with this process, we promise to say so.
  2. Independence–Our reporters act independent of special interests. When there are political affiliations, financial considerations or personal information, we will disclose them.
  3. Fairness and Impartiality–Our reporting aims to be fair and impartial. We aim to do this through a balanced approach, knowing full well that it is often impossible to present every side of every story. Often times context is the key component of providing readers with a more complete picture. One way we hope to provide a more complete picture is through a story line, i.e., from one article to the next.
  4. Humanity–Through our reporting, we promise to consider the impact of our words and images on the lives of others, so that we minimize harm, knowing full well that what we publish may be hurtful in some instances.
  5. Accountability–We promise to hold ourselves accountable. When we make an error, we aim to correct it quickly and with the appropriate expression of regret, for having fallen short with the intention of always doing better next time.